Introduction to our on-line services

Our on-line services enable you to communicate with us more easily and save our volunteers a lot of work dealing with post, cheques and spreadsheets.

The services are listed in the home page of under the 'Services' tab. The first service to be launched was the Annual Weekend booking form. More will come on-line.

The services are only available once you have registered on using a simple form. Please click the 'Register' button above. This requires you have an email address that can be used for communicating with you, and a telephone number so that we can call in the event email is not working.

If you registered with JowettTalk since November 2016 you may have also requested to use Jowett Internet Services. You may have also requested access subsequently through your JowettTalk profile. This will still bring up a list of available services but now you need to activate a session with JIS (rather than using the Single Sign On). This complexity was thought necessary to improve security of personal information.

Once you have requested a session through the registration form, you need to respond to an email sent to you (within 10 minutes) so as to activate your session.

The system will see if the email address you gave is already in the JCC membership list. If so, it will populate any fields in forms, thus saving you work and giving you the opportunity to update the record.

If your email address is not on file then just enter your details which will be kept so you do not have to do it again, unless they change.

If you look at the top panel you will see there are links you can click to register, and for the various services such as memberhip renewal.

When you start your session you are asked to check your details held on file. You can update your details if your email or phone number changes by using a update button.
If you have any suggestions to improve these services then please contact the webmaster. Some testing has taken place but the nuances of all the browsers out there may make some functions not quite work. The system uses Java script to check field input to make it easier for you and keep our records straight. The system also uses security techniques to prevent unauthorised access. So let the webmaster know if you detect any issues.

I could have put a big button here saying

to lead you to try out the services; but you would not have learnt how to navigate using the links at the top or in the accordion panels.